

How To Deal With The Emotional Ramifications Of Acne

Few people enjoy the thought of having several huge red bumps on their face. But there's a couple of secrets, or different ways to think about acne that can help you face the world despite how bad your particular condition is.

Acne is a dreaded skin condition that affects almost every person alive. There are billions of dollars spent on acne medication, either over the counter medication, or cures prescribed by doctors. All this for a condition that in reality, is purely cosmetic. Sure, there are dangers from letting acne go untreated for too long, but for most of us, we just want to get those ugly red bumps off our face. In this article, I'd like to address the impact acne can have on your self-esteem, and your self-confidence.

Acne really isn't that bad of a condition, from a purely medical standpoint. Of course, it is possible to develop some extremely serious condition that starts with acne, but it's not all the likely. Most people seek out acne treatment from a purely cosmetic standpoint.

Not that those are bad reasons. Few people enjoy the thought of having several huge red bumps on their face. But there's a couple of secrets, or different ways to think `bout acne that can help you face the world despite how bad your particular condition is. Even the best cures can take a couple weeks, and you still have to leave your room every once in a while.

The first thing to consider is that even the most beautiful people out there are completely self conscious about their looks. In fact, recent studies in social psychology indicate that the more traditionally "attractive" a person is, the more self conscious they are. Which would make sense, as the more attractive a person is, the more attention they usually receive. Most people are average, and those of us that are, know that we don't get any extra attention when we get acne.

Another idea to keep in mind that almost 95% of people suffer from acne at one point in their lives. So if you happen to have a case of it right now, don't worry. You're in good company. You belong to a club that boasts over a hundred million members in the United States right this very moment. And anybody that does mention anything less than polite about your acne is likely terrified of getting it themselves, so all they really are revealing to you is their own internal fears.

One other way to look at acne is like a filter. The people that like you for who you are, and not how you look, won't care that you have acne. They like you for your personality, which is perfectly fine. With a case of acne, as goofy as it sounds, it helps you to understand who your true friends are.

by: George Hutton