

Branches Of Psychology

Psychology as a whole is quite a broad subject so to study it properly it has been divided in to various branches

Psychology as a whole is quite a broad subject so to study it properly it has been divided in to various branches that tell about the different aspects of the human behavior, thoughts and experience. In this article some of the branches are mentioned and explained briefly below.

Firstly it is Experimental Psychology, which is a methodological approach rather than a subject and the research is conducted on using the experimental methods. This branch focuses on the process of sensing, thinking, perceiving and learning in a human. Secondly, it’s Biological Psychology which deals at the level of the nerves, neurotransmitter, and other body biological process that underlie normal and abnormal behavior in a human being. Thirdly, there is Developmental Psychology, which is the study of systematic psychological changes that takes place through the life span of a human; that is from its infancy to its death.

Fourthly, it is Social psychology which is basically the study of the relationship between an individual and groups. The experts in this field are called sociologist and psychologist and they study both the individuals and the groups to complete their research. Fifthly, its industrial/Organizational psychology. It is a relatively new branch of psychology and it is the study of the relationship between a man and the world of work.
These organizations can be like schools, non-profit government projects, for – profit business etc. Sixthly, there is educational psychology which deals with the study that how humans are benefited from the schools and how they learn in educational settings. This branch also has sub-branches like teaching psychology and the social psychology of a school as an organization. Seventhly, it’s Cross – cultural psychology. it is the scientific study of the person’s mental process and behavior with regards to the different cultures. The main aim of this psychology branch is to find the similarities and dissimilarities in the different cultures found in the world.

Eighthly, it’s Clinical psychology. This psychology is the integration of science, theory and clinical knowledge. The aim of this branch is to prevent, perceive, understand and relieving and stress or dysfunction caused psychologically. Ninthly, it’s Forensic psychology. This branch is an intersection between the psychology and the criminal justice system. This branch is the study of the criminal law with regards to the proper jurisdiction so that a person can explain a crime properly in front of the jury, judge and audience.

Tenthly, there is Environmental psychology which basically is the study of the interplay between the humans and the environment, that is this branch focuses on the point that how our surrounding effect our behavior. Eleventh branch is psychology of women, which basically explores the experience of females in this world and focuses on issues such as discrimination against women and the causes of violence against the women. Twelfth branch is Behavioral psychology. it is a theory of learning that all behavior are learned by looking at the surrounding and by what is taught to us by our parents. These were just some of the major branches of psychology, new branches are being introduced with time to help us understand different life aspects more easily.

By: ChristinaX