

What Is Social Psychology?

Social psychology is concerned with explaining how the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals are influenced by others.

Social psychology also deals with how people interact with others in social settings. Just from everyday exposure, you may remember terms like conformity, social status, motivation, and prejudice. These are all key concepts associated with social psychology. There are also some basic aspects of social behavior that play a large role in how we view ourselves as individuals.

Examples of research questions that appeal to social psychologists: How do teacher ratings websites affect perceptions of instructor effectiveness? How13740183 does gender affect perceptions of effective political leadership? Do people carry out instructions from authority figures even if it violates moral principles?
Or, as the title of a national bestseller asks: "Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together In the Cafeteria?" And even still, in terms of professional applications, many companies rely on social psychology to influence consumers to develop company loyalty or buy their products and services.

If you are interested in attitude change in groups or how social identity affects human behavior, then social psychology would be a great area for graduate study. However, to further hone in on your interests, review some current research in the field. Your university library should have a collection of academic journals, such as Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Flip through a couple of issues and note which studies capture your attention. These are potential areas of research interest. Also take note of the author and their university affiliation. Just like that, you can identify a potential faculty mentor and quite possibly, the right graduate program for you!

By: K. Alexander